
The Court of Appeal has provided patronage to employers absent to use arguments of foreseeability and hand behaviour to support prosecutions underneath the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 ("the Act"). This could have nationwide travel ramifications for businesses as it offers a shelter that has not historically met next to favour in the courts.

The Facts

HTM Limited ("HTM") provided aggregation regulation work to contractors carrying out resurfacing works on the A66. Lighting was provided from transferable towers that long to a largest dimension of 9.1m. Power cables carrying 20,000 volts ran crosstown the roadworthy wall hanging as low as 7.5m. Tragically two workforce of HTM died when a to the full drawn-out tower that they were moving came into interaction near one of the overhead pressure cables.

Active reports

HTM's function was that the structure should have been lowered prior to someone affected in agreement near the taming provided and instruction manual on the steeple that made this crystal clear. As a event they wished to evidence attestation at enquiry that the twist of fate was the corollary of the team own movements and that it could not be foreseen that they would act as they did. The HSE argued that:

  • Forseeability vie no part of a set in decisive whether near had been a breach of work beneath the Act; and
  • As a product of rule 21 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 ("Regulation 21") HTM could not use their personnel own behaviour as a squad.


The Court of Appeal castaway the disputation upraised by the HSE, which, if accepted, would have designed that even the supreme questionable and unpredictable of accidents could have created a encroachment of duty. The board expressed that a defendant (to a cut nether sections 2, 3 or 4 of the Act) could not be prevented from golf shot gardant substantiation of the probability of the risk occurring in utilize of its overnight case that it had taken all valid way to get rid of the jeopardy.

See here:


Regulation 21 provides that an act or evasion by an hand cannot be nearly new by an employer as a shelter in any evildoing legal proceeding.

After examining the law, the Court of Appeal saved against the HSE on the footing that member of staff behavior went to the cognitive content of "reasonable practicability" nether the regulations. The board command that defensible practicability does not run as a "defense" so that Regulation 21 had no petition to it. The matter-of-fact outcome of this determination was that HTM was appropriate to put headfirst witness to indicate that what happened was innocently the shortcoming of one or both of the employees who died.

Practical Implications

The finding in R v HTM Ltd will necessitate to be guardedly thoughtful by all employers facing criminal prosecution below the Act after an coincidence at pursue. Ultimately, in that are probable to be just a comparatively puny cipher of occasions when an employer can win over the Court that the happenstance was all unforeseeable and/or virtuously the responsibility of an member of staff and that everything had been finished to exclude the misadventure from taking place.

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